Saturday, January 2, 2010

Best of 2009

Welcome and Happy New Year!

To kick off both the new year and my new blog, here are 10 of my favorite programs from 2009. Use the links to each program to access the podcast from KCUR and listen now. You can also go to the Walt Bodine Audio Archives at KCUR-FM anytime, and search for shows by title or topic.

The Walt Bodine Show - 1/26/2009
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This show explores the population trend in China where record numbers of Chinese are migrating from rural to urban areas, bringing dramatic changes to the landscape, housing and quality of life. The show examines how these trends impact the rest of the world..

The Walt Bodine Show - 3/17/2009
Twisters and Hailstorms and Floods, Oh My!
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A scientific update on severe weather with area weather professionals. What does into predicting storms? This show has a strong personal facet for me as my grandson, David Bodine, is one of our guests discussing tornado research and weather radar technology.
David Bodine, Meteorology Ph.D. student at the University of Oklahoma
Bryan Busby, Chief Meteorologist, KMBC - Channel 9
Julie Adolphson, Meteorologist-in-charge, Pleasant Hill National Weather Service Office

The Walt Bodine Show - 4/15/2009
Tongue Twisters 
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It's the tongue twister challenge!  This show features callers and local Kansas City notables facing an articulation obstacle course.
-Virginia Blanton, Associate Professor of English & Religious Studies at UMKC

The Walt Bodine Show - 5/4/2009
Michael Feldman
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The witty host of "Whad'ya Know?", Michael Feldman, discussed his radio quiz show and his new book of the same name.

The Walt Bodine Show - 5/7/2009
Celebrating Harry Truman's 125th Birthday 
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This show was broadcast live from the Truman Library and Museum with guest Clifton Truman Daniel, President Truman's oldest grandson, and Matthew Algeo, author of "Harry Truman's Excellent Adventure: the True Story of a Great American Road Trip."

The Walt Bodine Show - 5/18/2009
BBQ City in a BBQ Nation 
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What could be more KC than BBQ? In this show just prior to the Memorial Day weekend, we sit down with local experts and authors of America’s Best BBQ: 100 Recipes from America’s Best Smokehouses, Pits, Shacks, Rib Joints Roadhouses, and Restaurants. The guests discuss their BBQ-themed travels, research and favorite picks.
-Amy Evans, Oral Historian for the Southern Foodways Alliance
-Ardie A. Davis, aka Remus Powers PhB, BBQ Judge and Author
-Chef Paul Kirk, CWC, PhB, BSAS, Kansas City Baron of Barbecue, Judge and Author

The Walt Bodine Show - 7/8/2009
Robin Abrahams, Mind Over Manners
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We chatted with author Robin Abrahams, the newspaper columnist known as Miss Conduct, about modern ethics and etiquette.
-Robin Abrahams, Columnist for The Boston Globe Sunday Magazine, and author of Mind Over Manners

The Walt Bodine Show - 12/10/2009
Marva Whitney
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Our show got funky with Marva Whitney, also known as the First Lady of Funk, Soul Sister Number 1, Marvelous Marva and Miss Excitement. Marva shared stories from her days performing with James Brown in the late 1960s and her musical roots in Kansas City singing in her family’s gospel revue.
- Marva Whitney, Solo Artist

The Walt Bodine Show - 9/24/2009
Picturing Space 
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This show aimed for the big picture of the universe as seen from the upgraded Hubble space telescope. Two area astronomers gave us insights into  the latest images from Hubble.
-Daniel McIntosh, Professor of Astronomy at UMKC
-Gregory Rudnick, Assistant Professor of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Kansas

The Walt Bodine Show - 10/29/2009
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We celebrated Halloween with a Vampire-theme show. Vampires are enjoying a wave of popularity in pop culture with the Twilight Series in literature and True Blood on TV. Our guests help us explore the undying mythology of vampires in movies, books and society.
Kaite Stover, Kansas City Public Library
Loey Lockerby, The Kansas City Star

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