I wish I could say thank you personally, on the air, to each person who has participated over the years. I want to express my gratitude to the thousands of listeners and callers who follow my program. I can never forget the great parade of people from all walks of life who have shared their knowledge and experience with our listeners. I especially appreciate the long standing support of our regular guests, and I'm sure their involvement with KCUR and public radio will continue.
I plan to stay active, which includes increasing work on my blog, and publishing a new book. It will include compilations of my writing in a much different style than I've shared in the past, a creative writing streak of short stories, fables, skits, satire, and even a little poetry.
Check back here soon, because in the next few days, I'll be posting the first of a series of excerpts from the new book, a hopefully amusing change of pace from what you've come to expect from me.
(Ed. note: Up next... "Interview With The Dragon," an unusual encounter. M.B.)
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